Together with you, we are revolutionizing the way we deal with period pain

We want you to experience your period or endometriosis pain-free and without restrictions. With ONEflow you can enjoy your everyday life without the need for painkillers. Concentrate fully on what gives you joy and develop your potential. Say STOP to period pain and choose ONEflow now for a carefree period.


Why menstruflow?

Polina, one of the founders, was lying on the couch on vacation with severe period pain. All plans had to be canceled and she was very frustrated. She asked herself: Are there really no alternatives to the pill or painkillers?

After intensive research into the use of TENS devices for muscle pain, the idea arose to use them for period pain as well. After discussions with Dr. Ulrike Lange, menstruflow was founded. With the ONEflow, the company is developing a TENS device specifically for menstruating people who suffer from pain and cramps. Polina doesn't want to be without it anymore!

Our mission – a period without restrictions

We have made it our mission to enable all women and other menstruating people worldwide to have 100% quality of life despite periods and endometriosis. With ONEFflow we are setting the first milestone for this and offering a natural and effective solution for pain relief.

The founders of menstruflow

Meet the team behind menstruflow


CEO & Purchasing

Polina Sergeeva

Polina is the woman for everything at menstruflow: As CEO, she makes sure the store runs smoothly, she's a confident negotiator when it comes to purchasing - and then she packs every single package herself! Yes, you heard right, the boss himself packs your order with love and a wink. Multitasking? Polina simply calls it everyday life!

CTO & Marketing

Marvin Mischler

Marvin is the man behind the scenes: As CTO, he keeps the technology running and ensures that everything runs smoothly digitally. But that's not all - he also pulls all the strings in marketing and ensures that menstruflow is well received everywhere. Whether it's technology or creative campaigns, Marvin has a smart solution for everything.


Creative Director

Aiya Adams

Aiya is the creative soul of menstruflow! As Creative Director, she ensures that our branding is always on point and that media communication runs perfectly. She takes care of all our social media channels and ensures that the content is always fresh and appealing. Sometimes she even stands in front of the camera herself - with her charm and creativity, she brings our message directly to you!

Medical Advisory Board

Medical Advisor

Dr. med. Ulrike Lange

Ulrike has over 30 years of experience as a gynecologist and is our rock when it comes to medical expertise. With her own practice and extensive knowledge, she ensures that everything at menstruflow is scientifically sound. She may work in the background, but her experience and advice are at the heart of our products. Whether it's about period pain or women's health - Dr. Lange always has the right advice!

Chairman of the Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. David Matusiewicz

Prof. Dr. David Matusiewicz is one of the leading experts in digital health in Germany. With a doctorate in medical management and over 15 years of experience, he combines science, practice and innovation. As founder, keynote speaker and moderator, he brings in-depth know-how and a clear vision for the future of menstruflow. His goal is to promote natural solutions for menstrual problems and establish sustainable health technologies.

You can find out more here

Our values

We want to improve the quality of life of every woman and we start today.


Three women in the founding team have experienced period pain themselves and therefore understand the needs of our customers first-hand.


With Dr. Ulrike Lange on the team, we offer medical expertise and experience. Our solutions for menstrual pain and endometriosis are effective and well-founded.


Our ONEflow TENS device for period pain is user-friendly and can be easily integrated into everyday life without restricting your period.


With our #Flowers community, we promote support and exchange of experiences for a painkiller-free period and are socially committed to the quality of life of every menstruating person.

Our vision

In our imagination, we live in a world in which women and other menstruators can carry on with their daily lives without restrictions during their period or with endometriosis. Above all, pain-free! ‍

Because we believe that no one should give up their plans and dreams because of period or endometriosis cramps. With ONEflow, we want to give you a new attitude to life - your first (and not last) period, which you can enjoy without any painkillers. ‍

We want you to concentrate 100% on yourself. On everything that brings you joy. We want you to focus entirely on shaping your life, pursuing your goals and developing your potential.

Say STOP to period pain! Decide now with ONEflow for your period without restrictions and without painkillers.

A word from Dr. Ulrike Lange

Jede menstruierende Person kennt Regelschmerzen - aber die meisten wissen nicht, wie sie diese, außer mit Schmerzmitteln oder Hormonen, behandeln können. Im Januar 2022 bat man mich, meine fachliche Meinung als Frauenärztin zur Entwicklung eines TENS-Geräts für Regelschmerzen beizutragen. Zwar war mir die TENS-Technologie aus anderen medizinischen Bereichen bekannt, ihre Anwendung bei Periodenschmerzen jedoch war auch mir neu.

Im Zuge unseres steigenden Umwelt- und Körperbewusstseins suchen wir alle nach natürlicheren Ansätzen und Methoden – und hierbei stolpern wir oft über widersprüchliche und vor allem falsche Informationen im Internet. Doch gerade in Zeiten, in denen sich junge Frauen und weitere Menstruierende immer stärker auf natürliche Körperzustände zurückbesinnen und traditionelle Ansätze hinterfragen, ist es wichtiger denn je, verlässliche und wissenschaftlich fundierte Informationen zu bieten. Bei menstruflow möchte ich mit meinen Beiträgen verständliche Informationen liefern, Austausch fördern und eine nebenwirkungsfreie Methode zur Schmerzbekämpfung verbreiten.