How many replacement pads do I need per year?

By answering just a few questions, you can tailor the subscription to suit you and your cycle. This way, you can be sure that you are always well equipped to relieve your period pain in good time and to cope with everyday life despite your period.

To always have the right remedies for period pain at hand, we offer you our subscription model:

oder mehr
oder mehr
Welche Produkte benötigst du?

No risk, can be cancelled at any time

Maximum flexibility

Variable configurable

Prepared for every period

Save up to 30% with a subscription

Frequently asked questions about the Pads subscription

What is the ONEflow subscription model and why is it helpful for regular period pain?

When you take out our subscription, you will regularly receive replacement pads for your ONEflow TENS device for period pain: You decide whether you want the flow pads and drop pads or just one of the two. By asking a few questions, we can tailor the subscription specifically to you and your cycle. This way, you can be sure that you are always well equipped to relieve your period pain in good time and to cope with everyday life despite your period. You can find out more about the right of withdrawal for the contract here.

How can I adjust my subscription for the ONEflow TENS device?
How often do I receive replacement pads for my ONEflow TENS device for period pain through the subscription model?

The frequency of delivery of replacement pads through our subscription model depends on the regularity of your period. We adapt the deliveries to your individual cycle to ensure that you always have enough pads on hand to be able to use our ONEflow optimally as a remedy for menstrual cramps.