
Endometriose und Kinderwunsch: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven

Endometriosis and the desire to have children: challenges and perspectives

This article provides an in-depth look at the relationship between endometriosis and the desire to...
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Was ist Endometriose überhaupt?

What is endometriosis?

Unfortunately, endometriosis research is not yet that advanced, so it is not completely clear how...
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menstruflow: Das Startup, das mit seinem ONEflow TENS-Gerät Periodenschmerzen den Kampf ansagt

menstruflow: The startup that is fighting period pain with its ONEflow TENS device

menstruflow, an innovative FemHealth startup from Berlin, presents the ONEflow TENS device, a groundbreaking, 100%...
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Primäre und sekundäre Dysmenorrhoe: Ursachen, Symptome und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten

Primary and secondary dysmenorrhea: causes, symptoms and treatment options

Every menstruating woman knows this. When menstruation begins, most people feel a more or less...
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TENS-Gerät gegen Regelschmerzen und Menstruationsbeschwerden: Effektive Schmerzlinderung durch TENS-Therapie

TENS device for period pain: pain relief and application tips

Discover how a TENS device can reduce pain for period pain or menstrual cramps. Find...
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Endometriose: Alles, was du wissen musst

Endometriosis: Everything you need to know

Endometriosis is a common pelvic disease in women. Find out here about causes, symptoms and...
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